Want to Organize a Workshop, Field Trip, or Seminar?

Did you know that AHS funds can be used to offset education-related expenses incurred by the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff chapters?

These funds are available for 2024 to support AHS members only. Examples of educational events include workshops, seminars, field trips, and mini-symposia that are hosted and managed by a chapter; these events are eligible for partial or full reimbursement from our Member Education Fund. Our goal is to encourage folks to organize local educational events that may be of interest to the water-resources community.

To take advantage of these funds, your chapter must first develop a budget and description for the program. Once adopted, you must submit an Event Information Form to the AHS Communications Director at least 6 weeks in advance of the event. This form gathers information about your marketing and registration needs.

If you have a great idea and would like to propose and organize an educational activity, email us at info@ahshydrosoc.org so we send you the form and notify your chapter president.