El Dia del Agua y Atmosfera

AHS agreed to be a Bronze Level sponsor of El Dia del Agua y Atmosfera as part of our regular community outreach activities. EDDAYA is the Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences department’s student-run symposium. Since the symposium was scheduled for April 6th, and the University of Arizona had closed the campus, the students and the organizers were left scrambling. They decided on a Virtual Symposium model instead of canceling the event. The organizers gave AHS the opportunity to have our sponsorship refunded, applied to 2021, or be given as a student award. AHS decided to keep our money in the 2020 EDDAYA as part of a Best Virtual Poster Award (pooled with monies from Tucson Water, Mike Block, and Mike Carpenter). Congratulations to William Duy for his poster titled “Using machine learning to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity.”

You can view all the winners and find links to the virtual oral and poster presentations.