Notice! ADWR has developed an online data portal for the reporting and sharing of 3rd party water level data. The new on-line data portal provides individuals and organizations with an online...
Need some new wheels? With your $25 contribution (or 5 tickets for $100) you could win a 2014 Jeep Cherokee!!! The best part is that 100% of your contribution will...
The AHS Foundation had a prosperous 2013, and we thank our many donors. The scholarship, intern, and science fair programs were supported to a large extent by our Corporate Sponsors:...
Busy, busy! As of the February deadline some 1186 bills had been dropped in the House and Senate by our illustrious Arizona Legislators. But only a few relate to water...
In honor of Dr. Bouwer’s significant role in advancing our understanding of managed aquifer recharge, the GRA and AHS have created the Herman Bouwer Award. The award will be presented...
This year’s session of the Arizona Legislature started off slow, with only a few bills introduced. But now the tally tops 680, plus various resolutions and memorials. Fortunately only a...
Corporate donors to the AHS Foundation will now receive a variety of recognition options for their donations. The recognition is designed to encourage corporate donations to cover the annual expenses...
Looking ahead at 2014, significant government actions on water-related issues are not appearing on the horizon in large numbers. Congress appears ready to pass legislation on water infrastructure projects, though...