WRRC Brown Bag: The Art of Building a Citizen Science Program   

Date: September 4, 2018
Time: 12:00–1:15 PM
Location: Sol Resnick Conference Rm., 350 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson
Speaker:  Meghan Smart, Environmental Scientist III, ADEQ/Citizen Science

Arizona Water Watch (AWW), a new citizen science program offered through ADEQ, is designed to train volunteers to collect credible data on streams and lakes in Arizona. The program uses innovative ideas—visually friendly forms, teaching aids, micro video lessons, and crowd-sourcing data techniques—to reach many levels of volunteers. This presentation will discuss the fundamentals of building a citizen-science-based program, discuss lessons learned, and highlight some of the amazing work Arizona’s citizen scientists are doing to help protect our water bodies.

If you can’t make the presentation, you can register for the webinar here.