Thanks to all who made our annual craft beer tasting a success! See you next year! Date / Time: Wednesday, May 15, 5:30–8:30 PM Location: Helio Basin Brewing Company, 3935...
The UA's Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) recently announced a new partnership with Arizona Project WET (APW), one of the organizations that AHS has supported over the years through our...
—Alan Dulaney The Arizona Legislature is still in session. Last Friday was the last day to hear bills in committee, although they may still be heard on the floor until...
Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona From a fact sheet summarizing analyses of middle Verde River watershed environmental flows detailed in USGS Scientific Investigations Report...
— By Bill Ellett (ADEQ, Retired), Maya Teyechea (Tucson Water), Marla Odom (Montgomery & Associates) and Mike Block (Metro Water District, Retired) On March 12th, AHS, with cooperative funding from...
This year marks the second Student Water Symposium (SWS). This annual symposium, organized by NAU students, is scheduled to coincide with Earth Week each year. The SWS provides both undergraduate...
—Alan Dulaney The struggle to gain legislative approval for the Lower Basin Drought Contingency Plan consumed everyone’s attention for months, but other things were quietly on the move at the...
March 11, 5:30–7:30 PM, at the Gopher Hole Pub, 23 N. Leroux St. In recognition of National Groundwater Awareness Week, Flagstaff Water Services and the Flagstaff Chapter of AHS present...