The Bureau of Reclamation and various partners held their first kickoff meeting for a technical assessment of water resources in the a lower Santa Cruz River basin, which lies within...
This year, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is being held at the Phoenix Convention Center, from May 8–13. This worldwide competition is the next step for our...
— Paul Plato On April 7, AHS, in cooperation with the CAP, reviewed and presented awards to deserving hydrologic and water projects at the annual Arizona Science & Engineering Fair. This marks...
— Alan Dulaney There were a few moments this dry winter when I dreamed that clear thinking had magically enlightened the Arizona Legislature, and that in the arena of water...
In planning the 6th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR6), which was held in Phoenix in 2007, the organizing/planning committee contracted with Karen Gray, The Hired Pen, editor/publisher of...
We still need judging help at AzSEF, specifically 3PM to select projects for AHS. The event will be held on April 7 at the Phoenix Civic Plaza. If you're interested, please...
— Gail Cordy, President, AHS Foundation Another Southern Arizona Science & Engineering Fair (SARSEF) has come and gone. Many thanks to Marla Odom and Dan Guido of Montgomery & Associates for joining...
A water-sharing agreement will allow Tucson to store more than a billion gallons of Phoenix’s share of CAP water. That's enough to serve 17,000 homes in Phoenix each year. The agreement...