A new project, "The Reach of a River," is in the works to educate the public about the value of the Colorado River. Currently in the funding phase, this traveling...
Three students who served as interns for the City of Flagstaff’s Water Services group were awarded NAU’s Gold Axe award for fall 2018. This honor is bestowed upon 25 seniors...
The results are in... welcome to our new chapter officers for 2019! And thanks to our 2018 officers for their service. Phoenix Chapter Officers President: Emily Vanaskey, Pace National Laboratories...
Guest article — excerpted from U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2018–3032, August 2018 | Download the fact sheet here » —by Jeffrey R. Kennedy, USGS Introduction Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation...
Saturday, April 27 • 7AM –6PM The AHS Flagstaff Chapter is hosting an all-day field trip to raise money for the Charles Avery Intern Scholarship and to honor the memory of...
Are you a college junior, senior, or graduate student enrolled in hydrology, hydrogeology, or another water-resources-related field at any 4-year university or college in Arizona? If so, you should consider...
The Lifetime Achievement Award honors individuals who have contributed to AHS, to the education of professionals and/or the public, and to the science of hydrology within Arizona — and to...
This past September at our annual symposium, AHS honored Chuck Graf with a Lifetime Achievement Award. As part of the award, LAA winners can donate $500 to the charity of...