AHS Judges Needed for 2022 SARSEF Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Each year the AHS Tucson Chapter and the AHS Foundation participate in the Southern Arizona Regional Science and Engineering Fair (SARSEF) as sponsored award judges, giving $25 to $50 checks for hydrology-based science projects to grades K–12.

These monetary awards are generously provided by AHS, AHS Foundation, and the Central Arizona Project (CAP).

Because of COVID-19, SARSEF will be an online event this year. Judging will take place (virtually), February 26 to March 3, depending on your grade level of interest. Three volunteers are needed to judge the projects. You will have the opportunity to choose a grade group (K–3, 4–7, 8–12).

If you are available to judge a grade group in this fun and beneficial event to encourage future budding hydrologists, please register here.