AHS is Soliciting Feedback from Potential Host Entities for Summer Interns in 2022

Since 1996 AHS has sponsored a summer internship program for Arizona college students interested in pursuing careers in water.  Read the internship program description.

For the past two summers, AHS has transitioned the program to a virtual mentorship instead of the usual in-person experience because of Covid-19.  For the coming summer we are hoping to return to the more traditional internship format.  Before we can make a final decision on whether to offer the internship, AHS is seeking expressions of interest from potential host companies or regulatory agencies to determine if there will be sufficient opportunities to place the students in employment settings for three to four weeks of experience in either a field or office setting.

If your office believes it is likely to be able to host an intern for at least 40 hours during the summer, we are asking you to contact the intern coordinator from one of the three AHS chapters associated with your office location: Tucson, Phoenix, or Flagstaff.  Please respond by February 28 so that we can begin to advertise the program later that month.

Direct e-mails to each chapter contact: info@azhydrosoc.org

  • Tucson: Marla Odom
  • Phoenix: Chris Brooks
  • Flagstaff: Don Bills