30 Days of Giving Water Drive: A Message from Our Friends at EPAZ

EPAZ’s Community Service Committee challenges you to 30 Days of Giving to benefit the Phoenix Rescue Mission!

The Phoenix Rescue Mission desperately needs water to help the homeless — and this is a great opportunity to help. As stewards of our planet, environment, and community, EPAZ and affiliated organizations have launched a water drive for the month of June to generate water for the homeless in the Phoenix community. As you know, our summers are HOT — and while many of us don’t really stop to think about how challenging it would be to live on the streets, we certainly don’t consider it in the most extreme of conditions.

So, how can you participate?

  1. Purchase cases of 500 ml water bottles.
  2. Bring your donation to EPAZ’s June 14 meeting and receive tickets to our 50/50 drawing in exchange.
  3. Challenge your office and stockpile cases of water during June. EPAZ will make arrangements to have it picked up.
  4. Use the below link and make a donation through EPAZ and they’ll purchase the water.

Make a Monetary Donation Today!