2018 Raffle Announced — Help Us Sell Tickets

It’s back!! Jim Click has announced that he is providing a Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit for a 2018 nonprofit fundraiser.

AHSF has picked up 200 tickets for sale at $25 each or five for $100. As in previous years, AHSF will keep all proceeds of the ticket sales to use as needed for Arizona student awards. This annual raffle has become a valuable fundraiser — last year we raised $2,236 for education awards through raffle ticket sales. Could we do better this year? Anyone can buy or sell tickets, and tickets can be sold anywhere. If you have any ideas how we might organize a selling event, let us know. If you are interested in selling a few yourself, please let Howard know at howard@swhydro.com, he will get some tickets to you. Thanks to Jim Click for supporting AHS and Arizona students.