Volunteers Needed for Red Flats Meadow Restoration & Erosion Control Project

Saturday, October 21, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Join a collaborative effort to improve Arizona’s national forests, protect water resources, and engage with other like-minded stewards of our watersheds!

The Red Flats Meadow Restoration & Erosion Control Project is an important effort that is reducing erosion and sedimentation into the Verde River and watershed. By reducing erosion, we decrease risk of sustained levels of sediment in the river system which, if left unchecked, can increase risk of E. Coli contamination, and impact aquatic species, and ultimately increase costs at water treatment plants downstream.

Through the Northern Arizona Forest Fund, the Red Flats meadow restoration work is almost complete, thanks to help from the Arizona Conservation Corps, which has already installed fencing, cut juniper trees that are encroaching on the meadow, and reseeded the meadow to encourage the return of native grasses. This project, the final stage of the erosion control work, involves placing the branches of the recently cut juniper trees into the gullies of the meadow to catch and hold sediment in place. This simple technique will go a long way to protect the Verde River and downstream water supplies. Volunteers will work in groups of two or three to help haul debris to needed areas.

What will be provided:

  • Work gloves, tools, and necessary materials
  • Additional water to refill water bottles
  • Restrooms (in the trailhead parking lot)
  • Safety review and work demonstration
  • Deli-style lunch

To sign up or to get more information about the event, click here.