A new tool called the Arizona Groundwater Explorer, or AGEx, has just been released (press release here). AGEx allows users to explore groundwater levels, changes, and trends across Arizona using data from the combined USGS and ADWR databases in an intuitive, map-based portal. The combined dataset contained 1,820,122 depth-to-groundwater measurements from 1891 through 2022 from 41,918 wells in Arizona.

Data views were created from this dataset for 20 topics organized by three themes:
- The Groundwater Sites theme shows depth-to-groundwater data and information about groundwater at well sites.
- The Changes in Groundwater Levels theme shows where water levels fallen or risen, and by how much, for both historical and recent periods.
- The Trends in Groundwater Levels theme allows users to see trends in groundwater levels in specific areas for 10 overlapping decades. The theme shows well locations on interactive maps, along with hydrographs that can be accessed by hovering over or clicking on site locations.