AHS agreed to be a Bronze Level sponsor of El Dia del Agua y Atmosfera as part of our regular community outreach activities. EDDAYA is the Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences...
The Tucson AHS Chapter is seeking applicants for the 2020 AHS Undergraduate Mentor Scholarship. The scholarship portion of the award is $1500. The selected student will be paired with a...
—Alan Dulaney Regardless of whatever happens with COVID-19, other things keep happening too. In April government-related things happened on the Federal level, the state level, and locally. On the Federal...
The NWRI Fellowship program awards funds to graduate students who are conducting water research in the United States. To be eligible, students must be accepted and enrolled in an US-based...
NAU student, Max Evans, received second place for his poster entered in the Third Annual 2020 Student Water Symposium. “The Biodiversity Crisis: Water you going to do about it?” was...
Arizona Geological Survey released Part II of a blog series investigating landslides adjacent to I-17. The latest blog post focuses on the 7.5 mile section of I-17, between Black Canyon...
In recent decades, increasing water demand, dry conditions, and warming temperatures have impacted the Colorado River, creating greater uncertainty about the future of the basin’s water supply. The Western Water...
The IWA Women in Water award acknowledges and celebrates female leadership in the field of water. Through this award, the IWA recognizes those women working in the field of water...