This may be the perfect time to look for a new job. Check out the AZ Water Association’s 6th Annual Career Connect! AZ Water wants to inspire talent, promote diversity,...
Max Evans Attended Yavapai College before transferring to NAU in 2015. He graduated from NAU in May with a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology, focusing on hydrogeology. He supported himself through...
—Alan Dulaney No matter where they live on the planet, human populations dependent on surface water from major rivers become increasingly concerned when they perceive a threat to the source...
Article by the Water Resources Research Center Several visually rich information tools are now available for answering your various water-related questions. The Kyl Center for Water Policy at ASU has...
The Tucson Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society (AHS) is pleased to announce their 2020 AHS Undergraduate Mentor Scholar. Our warmest congratulations go to Danielle Rehwoldt. Danielle is a senior...
The National Council for Science and the Environment 2021 Annual Conference (January 5 - 8, 2021) will take a systems-approach to heat and water during this time of changeーexamining both...
AZGS is excited to announce that the award for the USGS STATEMAP Program in Fiscal Year 2020-2021 is $324k –a two-fold increase from their current level of funding. Read the...
WRRC Conference Registration Ends Monday, June 15th More than 500 people have registered for the WRRC 2020 Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years! Celebrate the anniversary...