November is voting month! Be sure to check your inboxes for your official ballot. Here's the 2020 officer slate for the Tucson chapter: President: Marla Odom, Montgomery & Associates Vice...
—Mari Wuollett, 2019 Herman Bouwer Intern Scholar Awareness of water resources is vital around the world. In few places is it as glaring as in the heat of Arizona’s summer....
The AHS Phoenix Chapter is planning one last float trip on the Verde River in 2019 in conjunction with the Verde River Institute (VRI). This interpretive float will be along...
It’s time to start thinking about electing officers for the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff Chapters for 2020. If you are interested in running for office yourself or nominating someone else,...
AHS congratulates William “Bill” Greenslade of Matrix New World Engineering, the latest recipient of our Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA). The award was presented to him at this year’s symposium in...
Thanks to all of our sponsors, exhibitors, and raffle prize contributors! Well, the 32nd Annual AHS Symposium has come and gone, and it proved to be very successful. The Tucson...
Here’s how Arizona intends to find out. By Tom Buschatzke, Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources, and Ted Cooke, General Manager, Central Arizona Project. This opinion piece was initially published...
A new economic impact report shows that the products and services of the Arizona Geological Survey (UA AZGS) contributed nearly $32 million to Arizona's economy over the past year —...