Be sure to register early for the best deals; prices increase significantly after August 15. All workshops will be held at the Casino del Sol on Wednesday, September 14. Registrants...
The Arizona Geology Summer 2022 issue is now available online. The feature article, “Get to the Boats! Fatal Debris Flow at Grand Canyon’s Tatahatso Beach, 14 July 2021,” describes a...
This intensive 3-day hands-on workshop prepares water resources professionals to use the HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System) for modeling two-dimensional (2D) unsteady flow applications. Participants will learn how...
At Timp Point - L to R Seated: Kathy Noll, Sheila Solis-Arroyo, Rachel Spinti, Tiffani Cañez, Deborah Tosline, Andres Aldana, Cera Lange, John Noll L to R Middle: Arika Peacock,...
Press Release July 7, 2022 CONTACT: Shauna Evans (602) 771-8079 PHOENIX- The Arizona Water Protection Fund (AWPF) supports projects that develop or implement on the ground measures that directly maintain,...
The blog post is a product of the Arizona Geological Survey. On 31 May 2022, a massive block of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone toppled into Lake Powell near the northwest point...
At Timp Point - L to R Seated: Kathy Noll, Sheila Solis-Arroyo, Rachel Spinti, Tiffani Cañez, Deborah Tosline, Andres Aldana, Cera Lange, John Noll L to R Middle: Arika Peacock,...
We invite members to submit career or other hydrological news to share with our readers. Did you win an award? What do you love about your job? Are you retiring?...