AHS Intern / Scholarship Winners to be Recognized at Awards Luncheon

Congratulations to our 2018 intern and academic scholars, who will receive their awards at our Annual Symposium on Friday, September 21.

We couldn’t be more excited about this year’s winners of our two flagship programs. Intern scholars get the opportunity to work in multiple hydrological environments with sponsoring organizations. They gain experience in sampling and other types of fieldwork, water-resource management, and data analysis. The academic scholarships, which feature an award of $2,000, are designed encourage full-time students related field at an Arizona university or college to excel in their area of study.

Notice anything interesting? They are all young WOMEN!

  • Herman Bouwer Intern-Scholarship: Silvana Burgos, Grand Canyon University Environmental Science
  • Charles C. Avery Intern-Scholarship: Madeleine Stoll, NAU Environmental Engineering
  • Leonard Halpenny Intern-Scholarship: Tiffani Cañez, UA Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Academic Scholarship: Rebecca Stolar (MS student), UA Department of Hydrology & Atmospheric Science
  • Academic Scholarship: Charlotte Wiman (MS student), NAU School for Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability
  • Academic Scholarship: Sheila Solis-Arroyo (BS student), UA Department of Hydrology & Atmospheric Science

Once again, the awards luncheon is sponsored by the Central Arizona Project.