The Phoenix Chapter had awarded its 2022 Herman Bouwer Intern Scholarship to Justin Romano, a senior in Geological Sciences at Arizona State University, who will be finishing his undergraduate degree...
Article by: Audrey Jensen Reporter | PHOENIX BUSINESS JOURNAL The state of Arizona plans to invest $40 million in Arizona State University to lead a multi-year initiative for the state's...
Limit: 15 AHS Members Date: Saturday, February 18th Time: 9:30 – 11:30 AM Cost: $5 per member, AHS will pay the other half of the $10 tour fee Lunch on...
Please join the AHS Flagstaff chapter in celebrating their Charles C. Avery Internship Awardee, Matthew Sprague, at Your Pie Pizza at 6:00 PM on November 17th. Pizza will be provided!...
The Arizona Reconsultation Committee (ARC) reconvened on Friday, Nov. 4 for an update on current Colorado River conditions. Central Arizona Project View the presentation and video »
The AHS Corporate Board met in Phoenix at NV5 and by Zoom on October 15th. The meeting highlights were: The Corporate Treasurer presented the 3rd Quarter 2022 Corporate Financials. As...
The survey link was sent by e-mail to all AHS Flagstaff chapter members and will be available October 31st through November 30, 2022 for Flagstaff Chapter members to vote. Alternatively,...