We have learned over the last century that modern civilization cannot thrive in the desert without power to move water, and power cannot be generated without water. Water and power...
On March 4–8, AHS granted awards to deserving hydrologic and water projects at the annual Southern Arizona Science and Engineering Fair. A total of $850 was awarded to students in...
On January 9, Governor Hobbs issued an Executive Order to establish the Governor’s Water Policy Council (“Council”), which has been tasked with modernizing the Arizona Groundwater Management Act. The Council,...
The Tucson chapter has selected this year’s Halpenny Intern Scholar: Natalie Yurek. Natalie is a rising junior in the UA’s Hydrology and Atmospheric Science (HAS) program. She is interested in...
The Arizona Water Protection Fund (AWPF) supports projects that develop or implement on-the-ground measures to directly maintain, enhance, and restore Arizona’s river and riparian resources. AWPF will be accepting applications...
The current guidelines for managing Lakes Powell and Mead will expire at the end of 2026. These guidelines contain important reservoir and water management decisional documents and agreements that govern...
On June 22, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its 48-page decision in the case of Arizona et.al. vs Navajo Nation et. al. In a split (5–4)...