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Meetings & Events
If you would like to present at a future chapter meeting, contact us at [email protected]. Note that we can no longer issue refunds for cancellations; in addition, you must pay in advance — we cannot take payments at the door or invoice you after an event.
April 2025
Date / Time: April 8, social half hour at 6pm, talk 6:30-7:30pm
Place: Montgomery & Associates, 1550 E Prince Rd
Cost in-person attendance: $5 for members, $10 for nonmembers, free for student members — please register online in advance.
A Zoom option will also be provided to those who register and want to attend remotely. Zoom will be free for members, $5 for student nonmembers, and $10 for other nonmembers
Abstract: From Mountains to Basins: Tracing variations in groundwater flowpaths, recharge rates, and water table elevations across the Holocene
Groundwater in semi-arid alluvial basins primarily comes from mountain-front recharge (MFR) with long subsurface flowpaths, leading to prevalence of ‘fossil’ (>12,000 years old) groundwater recharged in the geologic past under different climate conditions. Questions remain about specific flowpaths of MFR to basin-fill aquifers (i.e., surface vs. subsurface components) and how recharge rates and water table elevations have varied since the Late Pleistocene and may be impacted by climate change and groundwater extraction. In addition, common age tracers used to date ‘modern’ (<~75 years old) to ‘fossil’ groundwater, tritium and radiocarbon, respectively, are unable to date groundwater recharged on intermediate timescales (~100 to ~1,000 years ago). The ‘bomb pulse’ of tritium from nuclear weapons testing in the 1950-1960’s is also decaying away in aquifer systems, requiring use of new ‘modern’ groundwater age tracers.
This talk will synthesize recent results from the Tucson Basin, where we have employed multiple age tracers, including relatively new techniques (argon-39 and krypton-85) for dating ‘intermediate’ to ‘modern’ age waters, respectively, and stable noble gases (Kr, Xe) to constrain variations in water table elevations and recharge rates across the Holocene. Combined with numerical modeling, we quantified the amount of diffuse (subsurface) versus surface MFR to the alluvial basin.
Results show that most (>94%) groundwater in the Tucson Basin comes from surface MFR. The relatively low hydraulic conductivity of the mountain blocks and overlapping Pantano Formation combined with modest recharge likely favors local flow paths, focusing water through alluvial washes, as opposed to deeper, regional flowpaths required for large diffuse mountain block recharge. The presence of 3H and 85Kr in upgradient wells, adjacent to the mountain front and along major washes, indicates modern recharge, while 39Ar, 14C, and 4He values show components of water several hundred to tens of thousands of years old in downgradient wells. These mixed ages in long-screened production wells could not be explained by a simple piston-flow model. Thus, we applied a new inverse modeling technique that coupled lumped parameter modeling of residence times with Kr and Xe reconstructions of recharge temperature and water table depth to disentangle recharge history. Results highlight a maximum in the water table depth during the mid-Holocene, suggesting enhanced aridity associated with a reduction of wintertime precipitation, inferred from a shift in δ18O and δD values. Colder temperatures were present during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), reflecting both climatic cooling and cold mountain front recharge. Recharge to the Tucson Basin has been continuous since the LGM, albeit with a likely reduction during the mid-Holocene. Natural fluctuations in groundwater recharge have been small compared to those associated with groundwater extraction, indicating that pumping poses a larger threat to groundwater resources than climate change.
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer McIntosh
Jennifer McIntosh is a Professor, University Distinguished Scholar, Associate Department Head, and the Thomas Meixner Endowed Chair of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona (UA). She is a fellow of the Geological Society of America and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Earth 4D: Subsurface Science and Exploration Program. McIntosh received her PhD in Geology from the University of Michigan (2004) and was the Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University (2004-2006) before starting at the UA in 2006. Her research focuses on the hydrochemistry of fresh to saline fluids to constrain sources, residence times, biogeochemical reactions, and flowpaths of waters, solutes (including lithium and other critical elements), and gases in local- to basinal-scale aquifers. McIntosh has received numerous awards for her research, teaching, and student mentoring, including the 2021 Fred L. and Frances J. Oliver Lectureship in Texas Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Texas-Austin, USGS Star Award, and Blitzer Award for teaching physics-related sciences. She regularly serves as a technical expert for the US EPA, National Academies of Sciences, Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, UK Royal Society, and International Atomic Energy Agency. The more than 64 students and postdoctoral fellows she has advised have gone on to positions in academia, government agencies, and environmental consulting. In addition, McIntosh is dedicated to education and public outreach, leading a K-12 program at Flandrau Science Center and visiting local classrooms to teach hands-on groundwater activities.
All attendees must register in advance. We will turn away walk-ins! This applies to professionals and to students who are attending for free. We need to know the number of attendees in advance so we can plan accordingly. Likewise, if you sign up but later find that you cannot attend, please let us know so we can open up your spot for someone else. Please respect these ground rules… and register early to ensure that you reserve your spot.
Chapter Officers & Board Members
2025 Chapter Officers
- President: MIlan Calendine, hydroGEOPHYSICS
- Vice President: Mekha Pereira, Montgomery & Associates
- Treasurer: Maya Teyechea, Metro Water District
- Secretary: James Meza, Salt River Project
- Chapter Board Member at Large: David Barnes, GEOSCIENCE Support Services
- Chapter Board Member at Large: Marleigh Nicholas, UA
2025 Corporate Board Members
- Corporate Treasurer: John Villinski, Clear Creek Associates
- Corporate Board Member: Michael Block (Retired)
You can contact board members via email at [email protected].
Chapter News
- Tucson Chapter Holiday Bash to Be Held at the Botanical GardensThis year’s annual holiday party will be held at the Tucson Botanical Gardens. Join AHS Tucson for a special evening at the Tucson Botanical Gardens on Monday, December. Enjoy the festive atmosphere among garden paths and local desert flora, celebrating…
- Congratulations to Our 2024 Halpenny Intern Scholar, Samuel Booker!The Tucson chapter is pleased to announce that it has selected the Leonard Halpenny Inter Scholar for 2024. Samuel Booker is a junior pursuing a degree in hydrology and water resources at the UA. He is looking forward to working…
- Order Your AHS Beer MugNow’s your chance to grab one or more AHS mason jar beer mugs. If you order by September 4, you can pick your mug up at the 2023 AHS Symposium. If you’re not planning to attend the symposium, you can…
- 2023 Halpenny Scholar AnnouncedThe Tucson chapter has selected this year’s Halpenny Intern Scholar: Natalie Yurek. Natalie is a rising junior in the UA’s Hydrology and Atmospheric Science (HAS) program. She is interested in exploring the interplay between Earth, atmosphere, and water systems by…
- Mission Garden Tour RecapOn February 18, a group of folks from the Tucson chapter joined Chuck Graf, our 2018 AHS Lifetime Achievement Award winner, for a tour of Mission Garden and surrounding areas. Mission Garden was originally part of, and served, the village…
- Purchase your AHS Mason Jar MugsOrder now and pick your mug up at a Tucson chapter meeting. If you belong to the Flagstaff or Phoenix chapters, order by February 3rd and we’ll have them available for your chapter president to give you at your next…