We have learned over the last century that modern civilization cannot thrive in the desert without power to move water, and power cannot be generated without water. Water and power...
On June 22, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its 48-page decision in the case of Arizona et.al. vs Navajo Nation et. al. In a split (5–4)...
On May 22, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) announced with much fanfare that they had received a letter from the three Lower Basin states of Arizona, California, and Nevada. The...
On April 13, Kirk Craig (Geosyntec and ASU) gave a talk at the monthly meeting of the Environmental Professionals of Arizona, an organization with goals similar as AHS. Attendance was...
A monthly column by Alan Dulaney. For this month only, we're making Government Goings-on available to the public. Enjoy! For much of late 2022 and most of 2023 (to date),...
All of the bills that could be introduced in this session of the Arizona Legislature have been dropped. Bills that received a hearing are still alive; however, any bills that...
Despite the rancor that accompanies the partisanship in the Arizona Legislature, there are several bills that propose to shift direction in water policy, particularly for rural Arizona. Rural groundwater issues...