Drought can kick operational structures in the teeth. The water budget for Lake Mead has become unbalanced due to the extended drought. Legal demands from the three Lower Basin states...
The Arizona Legislature wrapped up its session last week. Little harm was done in water issues. Now let’s look at what is happening at the Federal level. When first enacted,...
Arizona, California, and Nevada aren’t the only Western states to share a river. A couple of weeks ago, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado attended the annual meeting of the Rio...
Busy, busy! As of the February deadline some 1186 bills had been dropped in the House and Senate by our illustrious Arizona Legislators. But only a few relate to water...
This year’s session of the Arizona Legislature started off slow, with only a few bills introduced. But now the tally tops 680, plus various resolutions and memorials. Fortunately only a...
Looking ahead at 2014, significant government actions on water-related issues are not appearing on the horizon in large numbers. Congress appears ready to pass legislation on water infrastructure projects, though...