The exhibit, Parched: the Art of Water in the Southwest, at the Coconino Center for the Arts can no longer allow for in-person viewing because of the recent surge in...
GRA is excited to host an event focused on the Future of Water. To increase water resiliency, there is a need for constant improvement, risk taking, and collaboration. It will...
It’s time to start thinking about becoming a 2021 Chapter or Corporate Board Director for Flagstaff, Phoenix, and Tucson. If you are interested in running or nominating someone else, please...
Support students. Support the AHS Foundation. Win a new truck or first class round-trip air tickets to ANYWHERE! Raffle tickets can now be purchased on the NEW AHS Foundation website....
Our 2019 annual report as well as more timely financial information is available for download. You can check on the status of your Endowment fund, donate to the Endowment fund,...
Article submitted by Donald Bills, Emeritus Scientist/Hydrologist, Flagstaff Science Campus AHS and AHSF is proud to be a sponsor of the water themed exhibit which opened on September 11th at...
The Arizona Geological Survey asks you to participate in a nationwide survey to assess the economic benefits of geologic mapping. All are invited to participate in a national assessment of...
The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) is promoting the virtual screening of the film, Picture a Scientist, for viewing at leisure on October 1st and 2nd, 2020. The screening...