2025 Corporate Board Info
Corporate board members are elected for 2-year terms. The Tucson chapter has two corporate board positions, Phoenix has three, and Flagstaff has one; the terms for the Phoenix and Tucson chapters are staggered. Officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) are assigned based on an internal vote that is conducted at the January corporate board meeting. Note that chapter presidents (who are elected every year, along with other chapter officers) are also, by default, members of the corporate board.

Upcoming Meetings
Our next corporate board meeting will be held on Saturday, January 25, in Tucson. All members are invited! Check back for details and email us at [email protected] if you plan to attend in person or if you need a Zoom link.
Contact Info
Mailing address: Arizona Hydrological Society, PO Box 65062, Tucson, AZ 85728 | Email: [email protected]
- President: Nathan Miller, Matrix New World (PHX)
- Vice President: Chris Brooks, Central Arizona Project (PHX)
- Treasurer: John Villinski, Clear Creek Associates (TUC)
- Secretary: Paul Whitefield, Retired National Park Service (FLG)
- Mike Hulst, NV5 (PHX President)
- Enrique Vivoni, ASU (PHX)
- Mike Block, Retired Metro Water District (TUC)
- Milan Calendine, hydroGEOPHYSICS (TUC President)
- Erin Young, City of Flagstaff (FLG President)