Nominations Call for 2023 AHS Officers

It’s time to start nominating 2023 chapter and corporate board officers for the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff. If you are interested in running for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Board Member at Large or Corporate Board Member you can nominate yourself or someone else.

Submit your nomination (name, officer position and chapter) at If you need more information about the officer positions, please contact your chapter president with the same e-mail address.

Officers serve on the chapter’s board of directors for a period of 1 year beginning on January 1. Corporate board members serve two years.  It’s a great opportunity to get involved in AHS and make a difference. Remember, you must be an AHS member to be placed on the ballot.  Details on Corporate Board responsibilities can be found in Section 4 of the AHS bylaws.

Important Election Dates:

  •     Nominations due by October 15th
  •     Ballots sent to AHS members on October 31st
  •     November 30th return deadline for completing ballots