Volunteers Sought for the 2025 Symposium

We’re looking for volunteers to plan the 2025 AHS Symposium in Phoenix next fall. The conference will feature presentations, posters, an awards luncheon, networking opportunities, and potential workshops and field trips. Past symposia have had two to three concurrent technical sessions per day. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and organizing skills, plus have fun networking with your peers. More specifically, we need volunteers for the following positions:

  • Co-chair
  • Technical program chair
  • Thursday morning panel and lunch speaker chair
  • Student support and member education chair
  • Awards chair
  • Venue chair

If you are interested in joining the planning team, email us at [email protected]. Members from all chapters are welcome (communication between symposium co-chairs and committee chairs is via email, phone, or Zoom). Additionally, we now have guidance documents for each chair’s duties and timeline.