WRRC Call for Solutions Deadline Extended to March 7

The UA Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) is extending the deadline for its Call for Solutions to Arizona’s water resource challenges to March 7. The WRRC wants to ensure it incorporates a broad array of voices when developing the program for its 2023 Annual Conference and hopes you’ll be able to take advantage of this extra time to propose a presentation.

The WRRC 2023 annual conference, What Can We Do? Solutions to Arizona’s Water Challenges, will be held July 11–12, 2023, at the UA Student Union Grand Ballroom in Tucson. Proposals are invited for conference presentations and posters that offer solutions to the pressing water resource challenges currently facing Arizona and the region. Submissions may include 10- to 15-minute oral presentations, 5- to 7-minute highlight talks, and posters. Prizes will be awarded for the best student posters. Learn more here.