WRRC Brown Bag: New Techniques for Mapping Planted vs. Fallowed Croplands using MODIS Data

Date / Time: January 23, 12:00–1:15 p.m.
Location: WRRC Sol Resnick Conference Room (350 N. Campbell Ave.)
Speaker: Cindy Wallace, Research Geographer, USGS Western Geographic Science Center

An important metric to monitor for optimizing water use in agricultural areas is the amount of cropland left fallowed, or unplanted. Fallowed croplands are difficult to model because they have many expressions; for example, they can be managed and remain free of vegetation or be abandoned and become weedy if the climate for that season permits. USGS researchers used remote imaging to develop an algorithm that can routinely map cropland status (planted or fallowed) with over 75% user / producer accuracies. Learn more…