One Water, One Plan: City of Tucson Updates Comprehensive Water Plan and Invites Public Involvement

Tucson Water One Water

Tucson’s comprehensive water plan is getting an upgrade for the first time since 2004. Tucson Water is working to release a new long-term plan based on the nationally recognized integrated approach to water resource management known as “One Water”. The One Water concept integrates planning for water supply, wastewater, and storm water/rainwater. Facing evolving constraints on water resources due to population growth, climate change, economic development, conservation practices, and water quality, Tucson’s One Water 2100 Master Plan will address a wide range of future scenarios to develop a robust approach to managing all the city’s water resources. The new long-range master plan differs from the city’s previous plan in that it emphasizes factors such as environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic vitality that historically were not major factors in water planning.

The process to update the plan will include extensive outreach to stakeholders and the public, with a goal of crafting a water management plan that is widely supported throughout the community. Engagement with community partners will help Tucson Water identify the issues that should be considered in the long range plan.