That's right — the Bus 'n Beer is back by popular demand! We've reserved Saturday, April 12, for this fun trip. Visit Verde Valley hot spots and learn about the...
Once again, AHS Phoenix Chapter and ASU’s Center for Hydrologic Innovations have partnered to bring the water community together to celebrate the start of the new water year. This year's ASU Flow...
It's that time of year again! Join us at Greenwood Brewing, 922 North 5th Street, on Thursday, June 13, 6–9 PM, for our annual craft beer tasting. A Phoenix chapter...
The last day to introduce a bill in the First Regular Session of the Arizona Legislature was February 21. This date has come and gone. According to the Arizona Department...
Negotiations depend on the interested parties actually talking to one another. Amongst the seven states of the Colorado River Basin, there doesn’t appear to be a lot of talking going...
El Día del Agua y la Atmósfera is the annual student research symposium organized by students in the the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences (HAS). The symposium is held...
AzSEF, the state science fair for Arizona, will be held in March on the ASU campus in Tempe. Managed by Arizona Science Center, AzSEF brings together first-place winners from school,...
Are you the next APS Water Resource Management Intern? The Water Resource Management Intern will support the department in securing and managing sufficient and sustainable water supplies to support power...
SARSEF will be held in March 2025. Every year, Arizona students — pre-K through grade 12 students — participate. In partnership with the AHS Foundation, we provide small monetary awards to...
The rural/urban divide in Arizona is palpably real. The antipathy of farmers and ranchers for any proposal to manage groundwater, despite declining water level elevations in several groundwater basins, has...