ISMAR10 Call for Abstracts

The 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR10), to be held in Madrid, Spain, from May 20–24, 2019, is now welcoming abstracts. Sponsored jointly by the International Association of...

Call for 2019 AHS Officers

It’s time to start thinking about electing officers for the Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff Chapters for 2019. If you are interested in running for office yourself or nominating someone else,...

2018 Annual AHS Symposium Recap

—by David Arthur Sampson, VP Phoenix Chapter Check out our Facebook page to see many more photos of the Symposium taken by the talented Shawn Calendine. Thanks to all of...

104b Student Research Opportunity

The WRRC is calling for research proposals from students for grants of up to $10,000. Two to four grants will be awarded through the 104b program and funded through the...