October 2022 Corporate Board Meeting Highlights

The AHS Corporate Board met in Phoenix at NV5 and by Zoom on October 15th. The meeting highlights were:

  • The Corporate Treasurer presented the 3rd Quarter 2022 Corporate Financials. As of September 30th, the Society investments are negative by $22,972 from year-to-date volatility. The Society’s year to date income was about $1,000 less than year-to-date expenses because of the above-mentioned investment earnings losses.  The Treasurer also reported that AHS’s CPA was retiring at the end of the year and a search for a replacement was underway.
  • A wrap up on 2022 symposium planning was given by the Co-Chairs. A net profit exceeded the budget target of $20,000 and $4,439 was raised for AHSF from the benefit raffle and auction.  Additionally, the Board discussed incorporating into future symposiums a dedicated Technical Session to honor Stanley Leake such as Modeling, Subsidence/Compaction and/or Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions.
  • The Chapters reported they had candidates for all of their officer positions with the exception of the Secretary for the Flagstaff Chapter.  The Flagstaff Chapter is hoping to find a NAU student interested in serving.  Corporate Board Members Robert Balcells, Marla Odom and Beth Proffitt were thanked for their service on the Corporate Board.
  • As of the meeting date, Active AHS members = 400 (an increase of 4 from last quarter).
    • 280 regular (↑28)
    • 73 corporate (↓10)
    • 40 students (↓14)
    • 7 lifetime
  • Followers on AHS’s LinkedIn increased by 112 to 545.
  • The Board discussed with the AHS Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA) Committee a recommendation to posthumously award the 2023 LAA to Dr. Thomas Meixner and was unanimously supported.
  • The Flagstaff Chapter submitted a financial close out report for the North Rim Field School.  The Corporate Board approved transfer of $445 from the Education Stipend budget to the Flagstaff Chapter.
  • The Flagstaff Chapter gave an update on planning for the 2023 Symposium.  Dates and program schedule were finalized with the Board.  Work is proceeding on securing a venue contract and symposium budget for the Board’s approval.
  • The Board discussed with LAA Committee possible revisions to the 2002 LAA Guidance Document.  Corporate Board Members and LAA Committee Members agreed that addition of sub criteria would help better guide nominators to know what types of information needed to be in their nomination applications for the LAA Committee and Corporate Board make their decision.  A draft is expected for consideration at the January 2023 meeting.
  • The January 2023 meeting will be held in-person in Tucson at Clear Creek Associates and with the option to join by Zoom. Date to TBD.

All AHS members are invited to attend! Please let us know ahead of time if you are interested in attending in-person or receiving a Zoom invitation: info@azhydrosoc.org