Call for Moderators — 2018 AHS Symposium

Would you like to participate in the 2018 AHS Symposium but are unable to present a paper or a poster? If so, you should consider moderating a session. Moderators are crucial to a successful session — and it’s a great experience. Moderators have many responsibilities:

  • Contacting their speakers prior to the symposium to make sure bios are available for introductions
  • Introducing each speaker and their presentation
  • Guiding speakers through their sessions and assisting with logistics such as loading presentations on computers, ensuring that lighting and audiovisual equipment is ready to go, and arranging for time-keeping

Another great reason to become a moderator is to justify your attendance at the Symposium to your employer. It’s a great way to get your name and your organization out there! Contact Dave Christiana to sign up.