2016 Halpenny Scholar Announced

The Tucson Chapter is proud to announce Mekha Pereira as the 2016 Leonard Halpenny Intern Scholar. A student in the Hydrology & Water Resources Department at the University of Arizona, Mekha has a double major in environmental hydrology and water resources and mathematics, with a minor in economics. She impressed the selection committee with her academic achievements, organizational abilities, and future career objectives. She is on track to complete her dual-major bachelor’s degree in May 2017.

Mekha has already been accepted into the accelerated master’s program in hydrology and has completed 12 units of graduate credit. She is seeking a senior capstone research project and plans to use the Halpenny Intern Scholarship experience to assist her with that decision. She currently works at the Arizona LaserChron Center, where she is gaining experience in isotope analysis.

Mekha will have until the end of the year to complete 200 hours of internship at this year’s participating companies, which include the USGS Water Resources Division, Tucson Water, and the consulting agencies Montgomery & Associates and Clear Creek Associates. Mekha has the unique and beneficial opportunity to get hands-on experience doing the kind of work she can expect upon graduation. She will also make valuable contacts with water resources professionals in Tucson and with members of AHS.

Congratulations Mekha, and thank you to all of our 2016 participating companies!

Update! Here are some photos of Mekha at work in the field.


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